Forms &
Parent Documentation
Parent/Guardian Agreement
The below listed responsibilities and code of conduct has been written toward the goal of ensuring a positive, safe, and fun experience for the players and all other participants of the game.
- Practice/Team area requests, coach requests, buddy requests and any other special requests made during the registration process are NOT guaranteed. Certain mitigating factors may override said request(s)
- Refund Request Forms must be submitted either via mail and/or email and must be postmarked no later than July 31st
- There are NO refunds after August 1st
- Bring your player(s) to the field on time for practices and games
- Encourage players to obey the rules of the game and participate in fair play
- Volunteer my services to MLYSL when possible
- Enjoy games from the League’s designated spectator area
- Comply with the League’s no pet policy at practice/game fields and inform invited family and guests of this policy
- Bring any concerns that arise to the Information Booth, a Field Marshal, or a Board Member so that they may be addressed by the League
Code of Conduct:
- Conduct myself with good sportsmanship at all times
- Set a positive example by being encouraging, supportive and agreeable
- Respect opponents and celebrate both teams for their efforts
- Encourage players to be gracious upon a loss and generous upon a win
- Be respectful and supportive of coach decisions, requests, and parental sideline management
- Treat referees with respect, accept their decisions and refrain from voicing criticism
Photo Consent Waiver
Throughout the soccer season, Board Members and/or representatives of MLYSL may take photos of children playing soccer or spectators viewing the games to post on our website and social media as a way to celebrate soccer and showcase MLYSL. Being a public place, anyone visiting Howard Park, including children, should be aware that he or she may be photographed at any time without the need of consent by any party at the park.
MLYSL strives to respect the wishes of all of our parents and guardians. Therefore, if you see a photo on our website or any of our social media platforms that you would like removed, please contact a Board member. We will review your request and take appropriate action.
Though MLYSL will work to honor your wishes, please be advised there may be other individuals taking photos during games. MLYSL has no responsibility over photos taken by third parties nor do we have the ability to remove photos published on any other non-MLYSL platform by other visitors to the park.
Coach Documentation
Heading Protocol
Cal North Announces Heading Protocol:
Chairman Pete Zopfi and Executive Director Matthew Madeira announce that Cal North, in accordance with U.S. Soccer guidelines and intent, is implementing the following rules for heading:
- No heading for players 12 years old and younger in games.
- Abide by U.S. Soccer recommendations for heading in practice (heading training for players age 11 to 13 years of age should be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes per week with no more than 15 to 20 headers per player per week).
- When a player deliberately heads the ball in a game, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense. However, if a player deliberately heads a ball within their goal area, the indirect free kick by the attacking team should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred.
“A large part of our passion for the game is doing all we can to promote the safety and health of our valued players”, said Madeira. Zopfi comments “Cal North has been, and will continue to be, a leader in concussion awareness within youth soccer.” Cal North will continue to monitor decisions made by U.S. Soccer with regards to concussion protocol and heading.
Concussion Information
In the case of a possible concussion:
The Concussion Notification Form is to be filled out in duplicate and signed by a team official of the player’s team. The document should be emailed to
If a parent/legal guardian of the player is present, have the parent/legal guardian sign and date the Form, and give the parent/legal guardian one copy of the completed Form. If the parent/legal guardian is not present, then the team official is responsible for notifying the parent/legal guardian ASAP by phone or email and then submitting the Form to the parent/legal guardian by email or mail.
When the parent/guardian is not present, the team official must make record of how and when the parent/legal guardian was notified. The notification will include a request for the parent/legal guardian to provide confirmation and completion of the Concussion Notification Form whether in writing or electronically.
The team official must surrender the player pass to a League representative upon injury. The player pass will not be returned until a Medical Release has been received by Cal North.
League must send copy of Medical Release to Cal North office (1040 Serpentine Lane, Suite 201, Pleasanton, CA 94556).
Players may wear their jersey, but must not be in full uniform until the League has received the Medical Release and the pass has been returned to the team official.
Board Minutes
The MLYSL Board meets the second Monday of every month at 5:30pm at Round Table in Jackson. Under certain extenuating circumstances, the Board Meeting date, time and/or location may be changed. If you would like to attend a Board Meeting, please contact a Board Member within five days of the scheduled meeting.
February 14, 2022
Mother Lode Youth Soccer League
P.O.BOX 1504, JACKSON, CA 95642
Round Table – JACKSON, CA 5:30p
Call to Order: 5:56 pm
Roll Call: via Sign-in Sheet
Introduction of Guests: none
Acceptance of January 10, 2022. Board Meeting minutes: Motion by Nicky Corrigan to accept the 1/10/22 minutes. Monique Nichols seconds the motion. All in favor.
District VIII Update:
Shirley is still sick in hospital; she may be retiring.
Treasurer’s Report: see email.
Coach Coordinator’s Report
Registrar’s Update: website will stay the same. They got rid of Affinity. Now they have Gotsoccer.
Referee Coordinator’s Report:
Referee advertising
Committee Reports
Field Committee: Chair: Josh Price: Men’s bathroom was broken into. Door will not shut.
Field usage discussion: we only have usage of the fields. The city doesn’t pay much for water. It’s untreated.
Policy and Procedure Revision Committee: Chair: Lucas Whitlock: nothing yet.
Bylaws Revision Committee: Chair: Lucas Whitlock: noting yet.
Opening Day Committee: Chair: Nickey Corrigan: nothing yet.
Jamboree Committee: Chair: Jennifer Quick/Carol Schwabe: nothing yet.
PAD Committee: Chair: Lucas Whitlock
Fundraising Committee: Chair: Jennifer Quick
Scheduling Committee: Chair: Jennifer Quick
Thank You/AGM Committee: Chair : Lucas Whitlock
District Cup Committee: Chair: Sean Visser
Scholarship Committee: Chair: Jennifer Quick/ Carol Schwabe
Soccer Camp Committee: Nickey Corrigan: Aug 5-6, 2022.
Social Media Committee: Nickey Corrigan
New Business
U8 / Goalie: no research.
Field usage:
Cornerstone Church June 20-24
ACRA June 6-10
Discussion of fees for field use.
Volcano Communications will donate funds to MLYSL. At the Christmas party, they fundraise for a community agency. They picked us!
Field upgrades:
Old Business
Confirm dates:
May 11, 5-7 pm: 1st LiveScan
July 21, Mandatory Coaches Mtg.– Wait for Carol to confirm
August 13: Picture day and field prep day
August 20: Opening day
Gravel: Need a trucking company that will haul gravel in. Yeager Trucking isn’t returning calls. Need someone to haul and someone to spread.
Bathrooms: Amador Plumbing is coming out to change out faucets.
Purchase of a new laptop for registrar/treasurer Brandy Hawkins. Motion by Carol Schwabe to spend no more than $2,000.00 for a new laptop to use for league business. Motion seconded by Nicky Corrigan. All in favor. Motion passes.
Good of the Game
Agenda items for next board meeting. Next Board Meeting: March 07, 2022
Adjournment 6:55 pm