Mother Lode Youth

Soccer League

Providing a safe and fun place for children in Amador County to build a love for soccer

Game Schedules

U6 Game Schedule

August 17

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Romero Campa
Rogers Ross
9:00 am Yardley Jory
Quick Gold
10:00 am Day Harway
Helmig Jimenez
11:00 am Olenchuk Riebe
Rust Austin
12:00 pm Bitting Fry
D’Agostini Springer
1:00 pm Archer Martin
Hernandez Conboy


August 24

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Romero Yardley
Helmig Rogers
9:00 am Campa Jory
Austin Gold
10:00 am Day Olenchuk
Rust Quick
11:00 am Harway Riebe
Springer Conboy
12:00 pm Bitting Archer
D’Agostini Hernandez
1:00 pm Fry Martin
Jimenez Ross


September 7

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Fry Archer
Austin Jimenez
9:00 am Campa Harway
Quick Rogers
10:00 am Yardley Olenchuk
Springer Hernandez
11:00 am Romero Day
D’Agostini Conboy
12:00 pm Bitting Martin
Gold Ross
1:00 pm Jory Riebe
Rust Helmig


September 14

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Archer Riebe
Hernandez Ross
9:00 am Fry Jory
Springer Gold
10:00 am Martin Olenchuk
Rogers Rust
11:00 am Bitting Yardley
D’Agostini Austin
12:00 pm Harway Romero
Conboy Jimenez
1:00 pm Day Campa
Quick Helmig


September 21

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Yardley Fry
Helmig Ross
9:00 am Campa Archer
Quick Springer
10:00 am Romero Martin
Austin Hernandez
11:00 am Jory Bitting
Gold D’Agostini
12:00 pm Day Riebe
Rust Conboy
1:00 pm Harway Olenchuk
Jimenez Rogers


September 28

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Romero Olenchuk
Quick Hernandez
9:00 am Campa Riebe
Helmig D’Agostini
10:00 am Yardley Archer
Rogers Conboy
11:00 am Jory Martin
Rust Gold
12:00 pm Day Bitting
Austin Ross
1:00 pm Harway Fry
Jimenez Springer


October 5

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Jory Archer
Rust Ross
9:00 am Campa Olenchuk
Hernandez Gold
10:00 am Yardley Martin
Quick Conboy
11:00 am Romero Riebe
Rogers Austin
12:00 pm Day Fry
Helmig Springer
1:00 pm Bitting Harway
D’Agostini Jimenez


October 12

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Olenchuk Bitting
Gold Helmig
9:00 am Romero Jory
Austin Quick
10:00 am Campa Yardley
D’Agostini Conboy
11:00 am Martin Day
Springer Hernandez
12:00 pm Harway Archer
Rogers Ross
1:00 pm Riebe Fry
Rust Jimenez


October 19

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Romero Bitting
Quick D’Agostini
9:00 am Campa Martin
Austin Conboy
10:00 am Yardley Harway
Jimenez Ross
11:00 am Jory Day
Gold Rogers
12:00 pm Olenchuk Fry
Helmig Hernandez
1:00 pm Riebe Archer
Springer Rust


October 26

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Jory Harway
D’Agostini Rust
9:00 am Bitting Campa
Austin Helmig
10:00 am Riebe Yardley
Quick Jimenez
11:00 am Fry Romero
Conboy Gold
12:00 pm Day Archer
Rogers Springer
1:00 pm Olenchuk Martin
Hernandez Ross
U8 Game Schedule

August 17

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Wright Gideon
Brusatori Yule
9:00 am Conolley Wilson
Brown Reeder
10:00 am Harmon Horst
Wood Bridgeman
11:00 am Carlson Renfree
Romero Vega
12:00 pm Awbrey Mora
Church Knittel
1:00 pm Benson Curtis
Kraut Prout


August 24

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Wright Harmon
Church Brusatori
9:00 am Gideon Horst
Vega Reeder
10:00 am Conolley Carlson
Romero Brown
11:00 am Wilson Renfree
Knittel Yule
12:00 pm Awbrey Benson
Wood Kraut
1:00 pm Mora Curtis
Bridgeman Prout


September 7

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Mora Benson
Bridgeman Kraut
9:00 am Gideon Wilson
Brown Brusatori
10:00 am Harmon Carlson
Vega Knittel
11:00 am Horst Renfree
Reeder Yule
12:00 pm Awbrey Curtis
Wood Prout
1:00 pm Wright Conolley
Romero Church


September 14

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Benson Renfree
Kraut Yule
9:00 am Mora Horst
Bridgeman Reeder
10:00 am Curtis Carlson
Brusatori Romero
11:00 am Awbrey Harmon
Wood Vega
12:00 pm Prout Knittel
Wilson Wright
1:00 pm Conolley Gideon
Brown Church


September 21

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Harmon Mora
Church Yule
9:00 am Gideon Benson
Vega Kraut
10:00 am Wright Curtis
Brown Bridgeman
11:00 am Horst Awbrey
Reeder Wood
12:00 pm Wilson Carlson
Romero Prout
1:00 pm Conolley Renfree
Knittel Brusatori


September 28

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Wright Carlson
Brusatori Prout
9:00 am Gideon Renfree
Vega Yule
10:00 am Knittel Bridgeman
Harmon Benson
11:00 am Horst Curtis
Romero Reeder
12:00 pm Conolley Awbrey
Brown Kraut
1:00 pm Wilson Mora
Church Wood


October 5

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Horst Benson
Kraut Reeder
9:00 am Gideon Carlson
Romero Yule
10:00 am Harmon Curtis
Church Bridgeman
11:00 am Awbrey Wilson
Wood Knittel
12:00 pm Wright Renfree
Brown Prout
1:00 pm Conolley Mora
Brusatori Vega


October 12

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Carlson Awbrey
Wood Prout
9:00 am Wright Horst
Vega Brown
10:00 am Gideon Harmon
Reeder Church
11:00 am Curtis Conolley
Romero Knittel
12:00 pm Wilson Benson
Bridgeman Kraut
1:00 pm Renfree Mora
Brusatori Yule


October 19

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Wright Awbrey
Knittel Yule
9:00 am Gideon Curtis
Vega Prout
10:00 am Harmon Wilson
Brown Wood
11:00 am Horst Conolley
Church Kraut
12:00 pm Carlson Mora
Reeder Brusatori
1:00 pm Renfree Benson
Bridgeman Romero


October 26

Game Time Home Team Away Team
8:00 am Horst Wilson
Wood Romero
9:00 am Awbrey Gideon
Vega Church
10:00 am Renfree Harmon
Brown Knittel
11:00 am Mora Wright
Prout Reeder
12:00 pm Conolley Benson
Brusatori Bridgeman
1:00 pm Carlson Curtis
Kraut Yule
U10 Game Schedule

August 17

Time Home Away
8:00 Rivera Corrigan
Garner Flint
9:15 Scholtes Rust
Kraft Reis
10:30 Conolley Lamica
Vance Mathews
11:45 Yule Vila
Jimenez Adams
1:00 Benzow Mitchell
Snoke Verduzco


August 24

Time Home Away
8:00 Rust Conolley
Reis Jimenez
9:15 Verduzco Scholtes
Kraft Garner
10:30 Lamica Corrigan
Mathews Adams
11:45 Benzow Snoke
Flint Vance
1:00 Rivera Yule
Mitchell Vila


September 7

Time Home Away
8:00 Benzow Scholtes
Garner Vance
9:15 Rivera Mitchell
Flint Adams
10:30 Snoke Rust
Kraft Jimenez
11:45 Conolley Verduzco
Reis Mathews
1:00 Vila Corrigan
Lamica Yule


September 14

Time Home Away
8:00 Conolley Vila
Adams Jimenez
9:15 Yule Verduzco
Vance Mathews
10:30 Benzow Corrigan
Garner Reis
11:45 Mitchell Rust
Flint Kraft
1:00 Snoke Lamica
Rivera Scholtes


September 21

Time Home Away
8:00 Snoke Vila
Garner Flint
9:15 Benzow Yule
Jimenez Mathews
10:30 Corrigan Rust
Vance Adams
11:45 Rivera Conolley
Kraft Reis
1:00 Mitchell Verduzco
Lamica Scholtes


Septmeber 28

Time Home Away
8:00 Mitchell Lamica
Jimenez Flint
9:15 Snoke Rivera
Adams Kraft
10:30 Scholtes Vila
Reis Vance
11:45 Verduzco Corrigan
Mathews Garner
1:00 Yule Rust
Benzow Conolley


October 5

Time Home Away
8:00 Corrigan Mitchell
Jimenez Garner
9:15 Rivera Benzow
Mathews Flint
10:30 Conolley Yule
Adams Reis
11:45 Rust Verduzco
Vance Kraft
1:00 Lamica Vila
Scholtes Snoke


October 12

Time Home Away
8:00 Rust Lamica
Kraft Mathews
9:15 Mitchell Conolley
Garner Adams
10:30 Yule Snoke
Vance Jimenez
11:45 Verduzco Benzow
Flint Reis
1:00 Corrigan Scholtes
Vila Rivera


October 19

Time Home Away
8:00 Lamica Rivera
Reis Jimenez
9:15 Rust Benzow
Flint Vance
10:30 Yule Mitchell
Kraft Garner
11:45 Vila Verduzco
Mathews Adams
1:00 Corrigan Snoke
Scholtes Conolley
U12 Game Schedule

August 17

Time Home Away
8:00 Renfree Grosse
Campbell Knittel
9:30 Benson Church
Ross S. Campbell
11:00 Hodson Gonzalez
Whitlock Lockhart
12:30 Rogers Schiele


August 24

Time Home Away
8:00 Renfree Benson
Lockhart Campbell
9:30 Church Hodson
Ross Knittel
11:00 Gonzalez Grosse
Whitlock S. Campbell
12:30 Rogers Schiele

September 7

Time Home Away
8:00 Church Schiele
Campbell Whitlock
9:30 Gonzalez Benson
Lockhart Ross
11:00 Hodson Grosse
S. Campbell Knittel
12:30 Rogers Renfree


September 14

Time Home Away
8:00 Hodson Rogers
Knittel Whitlock
9:30 Grosse Renfree
Lockhart S. Campbell
11:00 Gonzalez Church
Campbell Ross
12:30 Benson Schiele


September 21

Time Home Away
8:00 Hodson Gonzalez
S. Campbell Campbell
9:30 Schiele Renfree
Whitlock Ross
11:00 Grosse Benson
Knittel Lockhart
12:30 Church Rogers


September 28

Time Home Away
8:00 Rogers Grosse
Knittel Ross
9:30 Schiele Gonzalez
Whitlock S. Campbell
11:00 Benson Church
Campbell Lockhart
12:30 Renfree Hodson

October 5

Time Home Away
8:00 Schiele Hodson
Whitlock Lockhart
9:30 Renfree Gonzalez
Campbell Knittel
11:00 Benson Rogers
Ross S. Campbell
12:30 Grosse Church


October 12

Time Home Away
8:00 Church Renfree
Whitlock Knittel
9:30 Hodson Benson
S. Campbell Campbell
11:00 Grosse Schiele
Ross Lockhart
12:30 Gonzalez Rogers


October 19

Time Home Away
8:00 Rogers Schiele
Lockhart Ross
9:30 Gonzalez Grosse
Campbell Whitlock
11:00 Renfree Benson
Knittel S. Campbell
12:30 Church Hodson
U15 Game Schedule

August 17

Time Home Away
8:00 Messer Colacchia
9:45 Ruiz Campbell
11:30 Giordano Young
1:15 Corrigan Ruiz
3:00 Critchfield Visser


August 24

Time Home Away
8:00 Critchfield Corrigan
9:45 Visser Ruiz
11:30 Young Ruiz
1:15 Campbell Messer
3:00 Colacchia Giordano


September 7

Time Home Away
8:00 Messer Ruiz
9:45 Giordano Campbell
11:30 Colacchia Young
1:15 Ruiz Critchfield
3:00 Corrigan Visser


September 14

Time Home Away
8:00 Ruiz Corrigan
9:45 Critchfield Visser
11:30 Ruiz Giordano
1:15 Campbell Colacchia
3:00 Young Messer


September 21

Time Home Away
8:00 Giordano Messer
9:45 Colacchia Ruiz
11:30 Campbell Young
1:15 Visser Ruiz
3:00 Corrigan Critchfield


September 28

Time Home Away
8:00 Corrigan Visser
9:45 Critchfield Ruiz
11:30 Messer Colacchia
1:15 Giordano Young
3:00 Ruiz Campbell


October 5

Time Home Away
8:00 Campbell Messer
9:45 Young Ruiz
11:30 Colacchia Giordano
1:15 Ruiz Corrigan
3:00 Visser Critchfield

October 12

Time Home Away
8:00 Corrigan Critchfield
9:45 Ruiz Visser
11:30 Giordano Campbell
1:15 Colacchia Young
3:00 Messer Ruiz


October 19

Time Home Away
8:00 Ruiz Giordano
9:45 Young Messer
11:30 Campbell Colacchia
1:15 Critchfield Ruiz
3:00 Visser Corrigan

Season Stats



Team Win-Loss Ties
Rivera 5-4
Corrigan 8-1
Scholtes 1-7
Rust 6-3
Conolley 1-7
Lamica 9-0
Yule 8-1
Vila 6-3
Benzow 1-8
Mitchell 2-7
Snoke 1-8
Verduzco 5-4


Team Win-Loss Ties
Flint 0-6 3
Reis 7-0 2
Vance 4-3 2
Jimenez 0-5 4
Kraft 2-5 2
Mathews 2-5 2
Garner 6-2 1
Adams 6-1 2




Team Win-Loss Ties
Whitlock 7-1 1
Lockhart 8-0 1
Campbell 1-7 1
Knittel 5-4
Ross 4-5
S. Campbell 0-8 1



Team Win-Loss Ties
Gonzalez 9-0
Rogers 4-4 1
Grosse 2-7
Schiele 3-6
Church 8-1
Renfree 1-8
Hodson 3-5 1
Benson 5-4


Team Win-Loss Ties
Ruiz 7-1 1
Campbell 2-7
Messer 5-3 1
Colacchia 0-9
Giordano 5-4
Young 7-2



Team Win-Loss Ties
Corrigan 1-8
Ruiz 9-0
Critchfield 2-7
Visser 6-3

Season 2024 Dates

  • Opening Day is August 17, 2024
  • Closing Day is October 26, 2024
  • Jamboree is on October 26, 2024 Jamboree is an exciting end of the year tournament for U10 and up teams and is played on the final day of the recreational season. Teams are randomly selected to play one another. Younger age groups will have regularly scheduled games
  • Picture Day is Saturday August 10, 2024

  • Picture Make-Up Day is TBD
  • Field Preparation Day is August 10, 2024. Everyone is welcome to help us prepare the soccer fields at Howard Park for the season. More information to follow at a later date

Important Notes

  • Required Items: All players are required to wear soccer cleats (no toe cleats) and shin guards. And please do not forget water for EVERY practice and game
  • Recommended Items: It is helpful for each player to bring their own soccer ball to each practice (U6 & U8 use size 3 ball, U10 & U12 use size 4 ball, U15 use size 5 ball)
  • Fundraising: Every Player is requested to participate in our fundraiser. The team that sells the most will be awarded a Pizza Party. We also provide individual awards for most sold
  • Pet Policy: Please remember pets are NOT allowed at Cal North, District 8 and MLYSL events, including practices and games. Please remind relatives and friends attending these events of this policy

Additional Information

  • All recreational season games will be played at the Howard Park Soccer Fields in Ione
  • Practice locations will be determined by each team’s respective area
  • Practice dates/times will be determined by each team’s respective coach and Area Coordinator
  • Coaches receive their team rosters in July
  • Coaches are requested to contact team members no later than August 1st
  • If you haven’t heard from your coach by August 15th, please contact your respective Area Coordinator
  • Practices typically begin between August 1st  through August 15th (at the coach’s discretion)